If you are looking for an SEO agency in Canada that can help improve your search engine position and profit, then Search Engine Monks is the right choice for you. We specialize in creating bespoke full-service strategies that strengthen your unique business model. With our years of experience and expertise, we will work closely with you to accomplish your business goals and put you ahead of the competition.

All Your SEO Canada Needs

Search Engine Monks is a Canada-based SEO agency dedicated to helping you take your business to desired success. Get more clicks and engagement, rank #1 on Google, and stand out from the competitors with our proven local SEO services.

Experienced SEO Services in Canada

As the most competitive SEO agency in Alberta, Canada, we know how to launch your business to success and get you higher rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and more.

From in-depth audits to website development and optimization & Pay Per Click Campaign, we’re the only SEO agency in Canada that can be your one stop solution provider. We’ll walk you through the complicated world of search engine optimization and make your business website stand out.

Achieve Desired success with our 360 degree SEO Approach

From We set goals that’s gonna make a positive impact for your business, by conducting detailed competitor analysis and keyword research, researching your target audience and establishing your most important metrics and achievable KPIs. Through this carefully crafted process, we create a bespoke SEO roadmap that encompasses different aspects of online marketing spread across several media platforms, reaching audiences that would have previously been hard to reach and convert.

As experts of SEO Canada, we want you to be leaders in your business industry and niches. To do so, your business needs to hold authority, which comes with ranking highly on organic Google pages, enhancing visibility across different digital platforms and enhancing your social media presence. Therefore, we invest in getting your business on top of SERPs on major search engines like Google, providing further opportunities for brand awareness and sales. 

We set goals that’s gonna make a positive impact for your business, by conducting detailed competitor analysis and keyword research, researching your target audience and establishing your most important metrics and achievable KPIs. Through this carefully crafted process, we create a bespoke SEO roadmap that encompasses different aspects of online marketing spread across several media platforms, reaching audiences that would have previously been hard to reach and convert.

This integrated, extensive marketing plan ensures that your website will be just a click away when users look for the products/services you offer – and we, as a leading SEO Company Canada, offer all it takes to list your business there. As we all know, search engine algorithms keep changing frequently, and we as team Search Engine Monks continue to keep ourselves updated with the same to deliver remarkable results

Most importantly, search engine algorithms keep changing every now and then, and we continue to enhance and enrich our knowledge to deliver outstanding results endlessly.


Every business requires a custom SEO service that works for them. Here are a few of the SEO Canada services that we offer:


Every business needs a tailored SEO service that works for them.

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Search Engine Monks is Google Premier Partner

Google knows our SEO Canada team as one of the top agencies in Edmonton, Canada. Enhance your website visibility and let the best SEO agency in Canada take care of the rest.


An SEO Canada campaign depends on your specific goals! Your type of business industry, your kind of business, and your expectations are all major factors! We want the ROI for Search Engine Monks to be aligned with your monthly SEO spend, But in general, our campaigns start at $500 per month.

Every business that has a business website should invest in SEO. This is how basic SEO activities are necessary for any business name to appear on Google. SEO Canada agencies should easily be able to identify the best set of processes. Here at Search Engine Monks, we consider ourselves, with our 7+ years of experience in the region, as the best company to advise you at what level your business should be investing.

Local SEO is for all those local businesses that want their location to be connected to a Google search. Have you ever seen “lawyers nearby” or “SEO agencies near me”? Well, that is local SEO! And with the right set of local SEO strategies, your website will rank high and get visible with anyone in the area looking for your products/services.

90% of all searches take place on Google in Canada. SEO agencies in Canada focus primarily on Google for that reason, when it comes to SEO optimization.

SEO in Canada is highly competitive. No matter if you’re in real estate, education, finance or any other local small business, any industries need strategic SEO packages in Canada. But don’t let that put you off! With the right campaign and our team of experts, you can compete with the best.

We stand out from other SEO companies by having a unique and personalized onboarding process.

This depends on the results achieved from the SEO. Google helps us with the data in terms of the search volume for specific keywords. With a Proper SEO strategy in place, the target keywords would be established, and the potential traffic can be calculated based on these. Based on the rankings for specific keywords, predictions on the traffic levels are generated. From there, it comes down to the individual website to convert the traffic into a sale or a genuine query. All these forecasts would not be set in stone, but if done with consistency, a rough ROI can be calculated from your SEO campaign.

SEO is generally measured by calculating the overall traffic that comes into a website organically from any search engines. There are many more metrics that our team of experts would be looking into but generally speaking; organic traffic is the best way to measure the success or lack of success when it comes to measuring SEO.

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